Thursday, August 09, 2012

I've moved!!

I'm posting on my own domain now, thanks to Wordpress.

It has all my posts over there. See you there!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

How can DC top Marvel in the movie business? Part deux.

I'm not going to include the aforementioned Justice League movie in this article or the films that need to happen prior. Simply because I already did. Boom.

But I have been thinking about that 33 Marvel films vs 18 DC flicks bit and how those 8 or 9 flicks still wouldn't be enough to even the odds for DC. So who else has the uniqueness and characteristics for a movie/franchise?

Green Arrow is an obvious choice. He has mainstream credit via Smallville and Justice League Unlimited. Sure, that shitty Arrow show is going to tarnish that a little, but he offers up something I don't feel any other character really has in the DC stable - a life story. Oliver Queen's life can be tracked from origin to death and everything in between. Marriage, infidelity, regret, divorce illegitimate offspring, bankruptcy, fatherhood - the list is endless. As is the action. The amount of movies you could spawn from a man falling off a boat is staggering. In my opinion, more than you could ever get out Batman. This is all without even going into the epicness of Roy Harper, Mia Dearden, Connor Hawke and most importantly - Dinah Lance aka The Black Canary.

Yep, if DC has a 'James Bond' franchise in its stable. It's Oliver Queen, The Green Arrow.

The Question immediately became one of my favourite characters after his first appearance in Justice League Unlimited. I just love his cool paranoid-nutjob-eccentric charm.

The Question's real name is Vic Sage, an investigative reporter who comes across a spray/formula that disguises is face with a skin-like mask, making his face completely blank. 

I can see said charm translate well into something along the lines of Chinatown come Sunset Boulevard come Sin City. You know, that classic film-noir approach with the narration and classic who-done-it story building to a massive left field conspiracy.

It could also be the live action debut of a certain Renee Montoya.


Deadman - Ghost sans love story, but with plenty more revenge. And possessing of people.

In his travels he could also meet The Spectre, Phantom Stranger or any number of the more spiritual members of the DC Universe.

Booster Gold. Self-centered, time traveling jerk. Sounds like action/comedy to me.

The guy basically travels back in time with a 25th century suit that gives him super powers to become a super hero and soak up the adulation and money. Along the way he learns what it actually means to be a hero.

Also has a robot friend. Skeets. A floating R2-D2 that you can understand.

Captain Marvel. One for the kids here.

Billy Batson is a kid who is bestowed the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury. All he has to do is say SHAZAM!

By the way, check it out -
Mind blown. But anyway, Captain Marvel would be a great kids movie with the occasional adult joke thrown in.

 The Crimson Avenger. 1930/40's crime fighting. The only one we've been offered so far is is Captain America, which was pretty much WW2 + super hero = Sam Jackson in New York with confused Steve Rogers.

Crimson Avenger however is deeper. A tale about a newspaper publisher who attends a costume party that gets crashed by robbers (lets go with the mob though) taking advantage of the panic raised by Orson Welles famous War of the Worlds radio broadcast. During the robbery, Crimson's lady friend is shot and dies in his arms. Her last words? "Qui Vindicet Ibit" The Avenger will come. He decides to avenge her death, wearing the outfit in remembrance of their final moments together.

Que angry tale of revenge vs the mob. Preferably with members of the cast of The Godfather playing members of the mob. Please.

Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo's Joker graphic novel is nothing short of amazing. It deserves to be adapted into a film.

I really don't think it's too soon for another Joker on screen either, but I understand if people would want to wait for this one.

But the wait would be so worth it. Imagine Scarface but with The Joker.

The Legion of Superheroes, preferably with the title just shortened to The Legion, could be DC's answer to Star Wars. Set in the 31st century, this team of teens/early 20's heroes join together to hold up the ideals of Superman.

These movies along with the 8 or 9 from the previous article would put DC on top in terms of quantity (and if made right, quality) of films.

That's all for today.