Saturday, July 28, 2012


I've been trying to ignore this. But, you know, even half a world away I just can't.

It breaks my heart. Really. We live in a world where role models barely exist anymore.

Sports stars are money hungry cheating fucks who, for the most part, do nothing for the world.

Musicians we thrust into the spotlight beat their women or go about dressing like common whores.

Actors parade themselves in gossip mags, taking naked photos of themselves, again, beat their women, cheat on their husbands or wives.

Basically, true heroism, a reason to put someone on a pedestal, it barely exists anymore.

I'm not saying that they're all like that, but when you can make generalizations like that, it usually means there's enough to warrant a generalization.

All we have, more importantly, all our children have to look up to are these people on a silver screen. Wondrous beings in capes and cowls, more powerful than locomotives, capable of saving entire worlds, with the inner strength to overcome so much personal turmoil and be so incorruptibly good despite their flaws that we find ourselves wishing they were real. 

Then it was tainted. Violated. By some sick fuck who watched his victims pour into a cinema for a midnight screening of one of these rare sources of hope for this world. Then he calmly walked out, grabbed some guns from his car, came back and fired.

He called himself The Joker.

To quote the good men of the greatest example of hope to be put forth, in my humble opinion, ever -
"The Joker cannot win. The world isn't beyond saving. There are good people here, people ready to believe in good. But some men can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

He was a coward with a gun and hope will be lost. But that's the beauty of Batman. He's a symbol that we don't have to be afraid of scum like him. He's incorruptible, everlasting. Batman has no limits, he'll come, he'll save us. Because that's what needs to happen.

People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and decide that the world doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt.

The system is broken. But broken wings mend in time and the night is always darkest before the dawn.

I promise you, the dawn is coming. But if the forces of evil should rise again, to cast a shadow on the heart of this world, call him. He gave us a signal."

Please watch a movie with a hero who gives you hope tonight. 

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