Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Duds...

 Does anyone else hate Black Canary's new kit? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but sky blue with robot arms is NOT the first thing that pops into mind when one thinks of Dinah Lance, right?

There's more like it. The girl's angry. And sexy. Not from the 31st century, DC. 

This movie is going to be THE movie of the year, if not the decade, if not all time. It screams too much of awesomeness for it not to be.


I would like to see something different for the next set of films. Why not pick up a few years into the man's career? Why not introduce a Robin or two?  Shit, why not have the whole Bat-family up and running?

Point is, after all this realism, I'd love to really see this -


I also got ideas for how DC can top The Avengers. But I'm not willing to share them here... yet.

That's all for tonight! Hopefully my next post will be more in-depth. I'm working on some stuff, for example, a write up on why all these Cardiff City fans having sooks over the kit change are just being bitches and other things to various other degrees of... stuff.

Take it easy!

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